By paying for a Naming Opportunity, a plaque will be placed at the applicable place in the building.  In addition, your name will appear on our website. 

Each designated area is named for people or an area from Canton's history.

The Hayford Hall - the Grand Room on the 2nd floor where many presentations, private events and community gatherings occur.

The Richardson Research Room - a large room on the 1st floor where the Historical Society collection is on display and where our guests and researchers will visit.

The Village Country Store - a good sized room on the 1st floor just off the lobby entrance that houses our Gift Shop featuring Maine products and Canton artists / craftsmen creations.

The Conant Kitchen ~ located on the 1st floor and used for many public suppers, community gatherings and private events.

The Deshon Gazebo ~ located outside in the garden area, the gazebo itself houses the Deshon bell which was part of the Universalist Church.  The bell was removed from the church belfry due to safety concerns in the 1970s.  The entire church was in such disrepair that it had to be demolished in 2017.

The Adams Archive Room ~ a smaller room located on the 1st floor and used to securely store the Historical Society's archives.  Archives will be used by researchers and genealogists under the watchful eye of our Archivist or designated appointee.