Copper Embossing Class
Join us for a Copper Embossing Class,
March 15, from 1-5 PM
Presented by Vera Johnson and hosted by the Canton Historical Society, 25 Turner Street, Canton, Maine.
Want something fun to do with a friend or to get out of the house for a day? How about taking a class?
Learn this 2500 year old craft that is seldom used today. Copper embossing is created using hand tools. We're not using any wood forms. Be ready to create something beautiful!
Vera will offer several designs or you may bring your own. Make sure your image fits inside a 5"x5" frame. All tools and materials are provided. You'll leave with a finished piece plus a new hobby.
The program is suggested for 12 and older if they're really interested in new techniques and can handle a 4 hour class.
Class Fee $95 with frame ( Seats are limited to 8 )
To Register, Visit: https://www.verajohnson.net/events/copper-embossing-22