Museum & Country Store Open:
2nd and 4th Saturdays of the Month
from 10AM to 2PM
Also open during EVENTS or by appointment
Coming Events - Join Us!
March 30 - Paint Your Pet - Oil Painting Class
April 6 - Cribbage Tournament
April 12 - Barn Quilt Painting Class
April 26 - History Hour and Spaghetti Supper
May 4 - Cribbage Tournament
Follow us on Facebook for all the latest updates
Note: The Canton Historical Society is handicap accessible for all events.
A handicap Stairlift Chair is available for access to the upstairs Hayford Hall,
there is a ramp to the front porch, and the rest rooms are wheelchair accessible.
We appreciate your support
The dust has settled, or more accurately, the sand has been brushed off, from the It's Summer Somewhere Theme party, and we want to once again thank our sponsors. It was great fun and a great success
Hayford Hall is available for rentalS
NOTE: The Canton Historical Society is handicap accessible.
A handicap Stairlift Chair is available for access to the upstairs Hayford Hall,
there is a ramp to the front porch, and the rest rooms are wheelchair accessible.
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Help Support the Canton Historical Society’s Work.
Historic Deshon Bell Returns!
In 2021, the Historical Society rededicated a bell.
This bell is special to the all who love the Town of Canton and is known as the John Deshon bell.
About the Building of the Bell Gazebo:
The bell had been in storage for safe keeping when the Universalist Church was demolished to make way for the Grange building move. One of the Society members is a contractor. He donated all of the labor and a good chunk of material to complete the construction.
About John Deshon:
In 1897 Sarah Deshon, John’s wife, had a bell made in Boston and presented it to the Universalist Church as a dedication to her husband. John was a respected and successful businessman. One of his ventures was a store at the same location where Ralph’s Cash Market used to be. In addition to being a businessman, he was very involved with the community and was considered a leader. Some of his impressive roles include Town Clerk, Treasurer, Selectman, School Agent, Justice of the Peace, and the Moderator at town meetings.
John was born on July 1, 1805. He moved to Canton when he was 24 years old. He died in 1880 at the age of 74 and is buried in the Pine Grove Cemetery.
John made a difference for Town of Canton in its early years. It is a pleasure to honor him with this special display of his bell. LEARN MORE and read the full engraving on the bell.
Membership is $10.00 per person and children under 18 are free. Your membership helps support the Society’s efforts to preserve the photographs, documents, and artifacts in the collection, maintain the Historical Society building, and bring Canton’s history alive for young and old.
In addition, as a member of the Society you are automatically entered into our
monthly drawing for a $20.00 Gift Certificate.
Now you can join or renew online by clicking the tab below.
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For fascinating photographs from our past and history of the town’s people, businesses, homes, and landmarks.
Feel free to post your own Canton history photos
and ask the group for information on researching your family or home.
Join the Canton Historical Society Facebook Group Here.
Visit https://digitalmaine.com/canton/ to review early editions of
The Canton Telephone and other items in our collection.
Discover Your Family History
This is an unidentified photograph in the Society’s collection. Do you recognize anyone?
Are you interested in researching your family history? Members of the Canton Historical Society Collection Committee are available to help you discover information and advise on how to do further research.
Please email your research questions: cantonmehistorical@gmail.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer by email or phone.
We are an all-volunteer, not for profit organization devoted to the preservation and celebration of Canton's heritage and history. See more: About CHS